Monday, May 2, 2011

Raising Dough


Nearly 28 year-olds should probably be warned about waiting tables.  I once again respect wait staff even more, since it's been quite some time since I was waiting tables in college.  Quite some time ago for these feet and back and legs and...

But I could be ten times more exhausted than this and still do it all over again, all night long, for the wonderful blessing Holden Uganda had at tonight's Pizza Inn Dough Raiser.

SO many friends (I would not dare name them by name, as I would hate to leave one out) came together to work their booties off tonight.  SO MANY MORE came out to eat pizza, support and share love from their hearts.  

For the past few days, Kara and I had a fun little bet going about who would raise the most tips waiting tables.  Lauren Collier decided to join in on the fun, so it was ON between the three of us!  Kelly was our online moderator and decided to join in on the fun too! :)  Kelly ensured many online donations for the evening as well!  What an amazing time with such generous hearts.  Thank you all! 

Oh yeah.  And I won. :D  

But the REAL winners are in Uganda.  "Whatever you do for the least of these, you do for Me." ~Jesus  

The total of funds raised was over $2,600.  Our God is an Awesome God!

Other notes:  
Chet and I have never been so behind on our part of Holden Uganda (receipts, thank yous, emails).  I just want you all to know I promise you are not forgotten.  We are going to spend the next few nights completely working on HUF this week.  There are so many people to thank and write.  My heart is filled to the brim.  We are learning how to juggle our jobs, normal life, etc. while running HUF.  Thank you for your kind patience in this!

The sweet people I have "met" through Baby Center have been unbelievable this week.  Thank you all for making me feel like a Mommy.   

Mother's Day is only a few days away.  I had looked forward to this Mother's Day so much last year.  My sister even sent me a beautiful bouquet of flowers in 2010, making it my first Mother's Day gift.  I do not really even know what I am feeling this week about Mother's Day.  Sometimes it is so sad I block it out of my mind, but then sometimes I dwell on it so that I can dwell on God's goodness.  He is always good.

You know what?  Tonight was the first time I have enjoyed a game of pure fun to its fullness in 8 months.    

This year, Erin sent me a lovely and thoughtful Mother's Day gift:


  1. You guys are amazing! I love how much your town supports Holden Uganda - it's really heartwarming. Cute pic! Congrats Sarah :)

  2. I just love that picture of you three! I so wish that I could have been there! It was a fun day though even for me up here! I loved being even a small part of it! Love you all!
