Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart, 
springs from their heartfelt advice.

Proverbs 27:9

I hope I never take for granted the loving friends I have.  What started out as a tough week has turned much sweeter, thanks to all the friends I have... who I could never repay in kindness.  I did not realize that the holidays would get to me as much as this.  I really feel a bit fake, when I force a smile at times I don't want to smile.  But I really don't want to be someone who is depressed, ungrateful and awful to be around.  Being honest with myself is what I find most healing and really all God wants from me, but I have always disliked being around the Negative Nelly types.  It's a strange line I feel like I am walking.  

I had lunch with a close friend, Audra (Holden's Aunt Pretty), who said something like this: God seems to call up to heaven the very best of people, instead of the bad ones.  He is giving them the biggest blessing of all, eternal joy.  (Okay, so her words were a lot better...but you get the idea.)  We talked about all the amazing people we have known, who are waiting for us in heaven.

That gave me peace.

Then tonight I talked to another dear friend, Kelly, who mentioned that we had both prayed for our sons to be taken care of by the Lord.  We may not have wanted this kind of answer to our prayers, but our sons are in the absolute best care.  There is no better.

That gave me peace.

Yesterday I read an email from a dear long-distance friend, Amy, who wrote about how precious it is that children in Uganda are experiencing joy this Christmas, because they have fresh, clean water to drink from Holden's well.

That gave me peace.

Since I must've been Debbie Downer yesterday, I had several phone calls and texts today from quite a few friends.  What a blessing people are, when they just send a simple text to check on you and brighten your day.  Thank you.  

I am afraid I get so absorbed in my own little bubble, that I ignore all the hurt in so many others' lives; I dwell on me.  Tonight, I have asked the Lord to help me be the kind of friend my friends are.  The kind who will lift others up constantly, regardless of my busy/stressful/bad/good/whatever kind of day.  

There are many instances in the Bible that talk about how fellowship with friends refreshes the soul.  These are a few:

...whoever refreshes others will be refreshed. Proverbs 11:25b

so that I may come to you with joy, by God’s will, and in your company be refreshed. Romans 15:32

For they refreshed my spirit and yours also. Such men deserve recognition. 1 Corinthians 16:18

I am refreshed.

Other goings on in my life, since I am refreshed and out of my self pity: 

My littlest nephew, Cohen, turned 10 months today.  He has been someone who has given me joy, even on the darkest of days.  When he was born, I stared at his beautiful face and thought of how much I loved him.  I was a couple months pregnant at the time, and thought about how Cohen and Baby Erwin would be so close and get to spend their firsts of everything together.  First Thanksgiving, first Christmas, first birthdays.  Although they'll wait awhile to spend Christmases together, I don't think there could've been two better cousins to be born in the same year.  Cohen is the type of baby who smiles all the time.  He smiles running a 105 degree temperature.  He smiles after falling down, or pulling a book on top of his head.  He smiles when his mom and I are crying.  The Lord really gave us this happy baby to bring us joy every day.  He now has 7 teeth to smile with!  I just love his toothy grin! :)  Now if I could only make time slow down a little.  He is growing before our eyes.  Happy 10 months Christopher Cohen!

I have officially unpacked, stocked groceries in our fridge and caught up on laundry.  This was no small feat.  Truly.  Somehow for just two people, we create a lot of work.  I wonder about us some days... 

I was getting bogged down with these tasks, and my sweet husband and I [at the same time] exclaimed that if it weren't for us being so blessed with clothes and food, we wouldn't have these "chores".  So there.  I can't complain.  I am blessed.  

ANDDDDD for some very exciting news: Several very special "angel mommies" and I are all going to meet up in the heart of Texas in February.  I am excited beyond words to meet these women who have changed my life.  Plans are in the works, but I am just praying that our time together will be meaningful and encouraging.  (As I KNOW it will be!)  There is a team putting all of this together for us, and I am extraordinarily grateful for them.

Much love to all of you.  I pray for your lives to be as blessed as you make mine.  

First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you. Romans 1:8a

and the pleasantness of a friend 


  1. PS I promise Chet will download the pictures from Phoenix and Santa Fe soon. We are just really behind on work and life right now.

  2. Sarah, you are that kind of friend. You do lift me up constantly and you are one of the sweetest people on Earth. I feel blessed daily to know you!

  3. Sarah,

    I love reading your blog, I have cried so many tears for your family. I can't tell you how gorgeous Holden is, he is blessed to have such a great mother.

    My mother is dying from cancer and I've prayed so much for the Lord to heal her and although my prayer for healing was too give her many healthy years with us He is healing her in a much better way. It hurts now but I know it’s only for His glory. Like you, I'm blessed to have such great friends to help me along the way. May God bless them for all they do.

  4. Thank you you!
    Carina, I just read your blog. I will be praying for you and your mother (and whole family). God does have a beautiful plan with her life right now. God Bless you!
